
Input optics functions and implementations

13 Maio 2024, 14:00 José Manuel Rebordão

Input optics. Mode cleaners. Model matching between beams and cavities.

Review of gravitational wave detectors architecture and functions.


Guided optics

Pound-Denver-Hall control technique

10 Maio 2024, 09:00 José Manuel Rebordão

Pound-Denver-Hall control technique for frequency stabilization

System relevance of the Phase Modulators on the overall architecture of GW detectors


Input optics

Signal Recycling Cavity. Tunability. Radiation pressure. Model cleaning

6 Maio 2024, 14:00 José Manuel Rebordão

Signal Recycling Cavity: descriptions, analysis, poles. Temporal operating mode of LIGO. Tunability, control of the pole position through the length of the SRC; gain.

Radiation pressure – overview of physics and effects. Brief analysis of different suspension systems in aLIGO and ET.

Non-Planar Ring Oscillators (NPRO) - overview

Mode cleaning how it works; Gouy phase



Pound-Denver-Hall control

Frequency behaviour. The Power Recycling Cavity

3 Maio 2024, 09:00 José Manuel Rebordão

Temporal response of LIGO, modelling the GW disturbance on the end mirrors. Poles. Bandwidth and tunability.

Brief overview of the LIGO laser system.

The Power Recycling Cavity (PRC): functions, implementation using a composite FP cavity with 3 mirrors.

Concatenation of 2 FP cavities; reflectance and transmittance. Resonance and anti-resonant conditions.

PRC gain and operational conditions


Signal Recycling cavity (SRC)

Fabry-Perot cavities

29 Abril 2024, 14:00 José Manuel Rebordão

Analysis of general 2 mirror FP cavities, reflection and transmittance, power cavity gain.

Increased sensitivity due to the huge phase amplification of the reflected wave at resonances.


LIGO Power Recycling Cavity (PRC)