
Aula de repetição

29 Maio 2024, 15:00 Alexandre Pereira Cabral

Aula de repetição de trabalhos não realizados pelos alunos

Physics Nobel 2023

27 Maio 2024, 14:00 José Manuel Rebordão

The 2023 Physics Nobel – Attosecond pulses and nanoscience.


Optical fibers and slab waveguides

24 Maio 2024, 09:00 José Manuel Rebordão

Characteristic equation and its graphical resolution. Modes : TE, TM and hybrid.

Normalised frequency, number of modes. Base of functions. Couplings.

Slab waveguides: overview of characteristics.

Losses in optical waveguides.

Dispersions in waveguides: material, waveguide, total.


The 2023 Physics Nobel

Michelson interferometry (3 in 3)

22 Maio 2024, 15:00 Alexandre Pereira Cabral

Setup of a Michelson Interferometer (MI), using amplitude splitting, and analysis of the generated interferograms in several configurations.

Usage of cube beam splitters and polarisation optics to control laser beam polarization.

Assessment of how the MI can be used to measure relative displacements of one of the mirrors, using a piezo electric stage actuator to move one of the mirrors.


Analysis of several polarization optical elements (polarizers, polarizing beam splitters and wave plates) using a polarimeter (an instruments that measure the polarisation state of light).

Assembly of a homodyne quadrature detection configuration to achieve higher resolution compared to the previous simple homodyne detection.

Optical Fibers

20 Maio 2024, 14:00 José Manuel Rebordão

Waveguides implemented with parallel mirrors. TE and TM cases. Auto-consistency conditions. Dispersion relation. Number of modes. Amplitude modes.

Overview of optical communications. Fibers NA. Intermodal dispersion.

Cylindrical waveguides: integration of Maxwell equations in step index fibers.


Cylindrical waveguides.

Slab waveguides.