
Holography (class 1 of 3)

28 Fevereiro 2024, 15:00 Alexandre Pereira Cabral

Setup of a Denisyuk configuration, consisting of a volume-reflection holography technique. As a recording medium, a silver halide emulsion on a glass plate will be used (a matrix of cohesive silver crystals in a transparent medium). During exposure, the reference wave and the waves reflected from the object result in an interference structure that was recorded within the emulsion.

Students produced their own objects that will be exposed in a 50 mm x 50 mm plate.

Students performed several exposures using different types of objects (including lenses or mirrors to generate holographic optical elements known as HOE.

Analysis of non-holographic technics, bases on the Peper’s ghost concept, will be shown in the lab for analysis.

EM properties of matter

26 Fevereiro 2024, 14:00 José Manuel Rebordão

Linear and nonlinear optics. Critical theresholds.

Theoretical Maxwell framework to describe material properties.

Linear relation between P and E. Electrical susceptibility.

Dispersion (phenomenology)

Dipoles and dipolar radiation.

Lorentz model for dielectrics. Physics behind the real and the imaginary parts of the susceptibility.

Conductive materials: Ohm law, Maxwell equations for a monochromatic wave, equivalent permittivity. Drude model


Metals. Conductivity. Plasma frequency. Colour of metals. Nonlinear optics



Overview of the course

23 Fevereiro 2024, 09:00 José Manuel Rebordão

Overview of the course.

Systems in Engineering Physics at FCUL: core, technology, systems, environments, markets/industry layers.

Example of “systems”, as opposed to its parts and components: NMR, LIDAR, Black hole image.

JWST and LIGO: key features from typical well-known images.

Optical system description in terms of architectural options

Laboratory, assessment and bibliography.



EM properties of materials