
LIGO - overview

22 Abril 2024, 14:00 José Manuel Rebordão

LIGO overview. GW observatories. Main subsystems.


Review of basic concepts of waves and resonant cavities

2D sampling

19 Abril 2024, 09:00 José Manuel Rebordão

2D Sampling. Main equations of Shannon theory. Artifacts in case of non-band-limited function or disrespect of Nyquist frequency.

Superposition of periodic patters. Analysis in direct and Fourier space.

Visual band: reference to the MTF and to the Contrast Sensitivity Function.

Emergence  of low frequencies from linear combinations of pattern-related frequencies.

Stables and unstable superpositions.

Applications: Hidden indicia, printing, security.


LIGO - introduction

Introduction to LIGO architecture.

Wavefront metrology (class 2 in 3)

17 Abril 2024, 15:00 Alexandre Pereira Cabral

A Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor was built based on an array of lenses that divide / sample the incoming wavefront into small sub-apertures, focusing independently the light from each lens in a 2D sensor that captures the focal plane pattern. This pattern was processed in order to obtain the position of each focus point from each individual lens.


An incident plane wave was created using a spatial filter and a collimated lens to produce a grid of equidistant focal points, the reference position, while several distorted waves (corresponding to a point source from an optical fibre in controlled positions) result in an uneven distribution of points that were referenced to the ideal plan wave situation in order to determine with the sensor the position of the fibre tip, using the Shack-Hartman sensor to measure an unknown wavefront based of the focus shifts from the calibration.

JWST. 2D Sampling

15 Abril 2024, 14:00 José Manuel Rebordão

JWST - Overview of JWST critical technologies made available for all types of optical instruments


Sampling in physics. Examples of artifacts on sampled images oh known or unknown nature.

Modelling the sampling process.


2D sampling. Shannon theory. Superpositions of periodic patterns. Frequency analysis

JWST cophasing

12 Abril 2024, 09:00 José Manuel Rebordão

Zernike decomposition of phase distributions.

Review of phase retrieval methods, examples.

Characteristics of the different phases of the cophasing process.



Overview of JWST critical technologies made available for all types of optical instruments