00: A physical model for the Universe (Feb 13 am)

Fundamental concepts
01: The zeroth order Universe (Feb 13 pm) (Feb 27 am)
02: The metric and its degrees of freedom (Feb 27 pm)
03: The cosmological fluid (Mar 6 am)
04: The background evolution (Mar 6 pm)
05: The energy density budget (Mar 6 pm)
06: The density contrast random field (Mar 13 am) (Mar 13 pm)
07: Statistical properties of the density contrast field (Mar 20 am) (Mar 20 pm)
08: Parameterization of the density contrast field (Mar 20 pm)

Structure formation
09: Newtonian perturbed fluid equations (Mar 27 am)
10: Dark matter linear clustering (Mar 27 pm) (Apr 3 am)
11: Baryonic matter linear clustering (Apr 3 pm) (Apr 17 am)
12: Non-linear clustering (Apr 17 pm)
13: Perturbations in general relativity (Apr 24 am)
14: The Einstein-Boltzmann equations (Apr 24 pm)

Cosmological observations
15: Cosmological probes (May 15 am)
16: Supernova surveys (May 15 am)
17: Statistical inference (May 15 pm)
18: Cosmological parameter estimation (May 15 pm)
19: Cosmic microwave background (May 22 pm)
20: Galaxy clustering (May 22 pm)
21: Weak gravitational lensing (May 22 pm)

Cosmology software
CLASS - numerical computation of cosmological functions (May 8 am) (May 8 pm)
MontePython - statistical inference (May 22 am)

Additional material
CLASS and Monte Python notes
CLASS notebook
Gravitational Lensing


HW1: due Mar 7 (23:59)
HW2: due Mar 28 (23:59)
HW3: due Apr 18 (23:59)
HW4: due May 12 (23:59)

TOPICS for the final presentations

List of topics
